Photo Credit: Photo illustration by Suleima Guerrero
Teen drug abuse often lead to loneliness and feelings of sadness or depression after continued use.
March 28, 2012 ? Suleima Guerrero, Staff Writer ?
Filed under Health and Fitness
Approximately 12.9 percent of teenagers in Arizona ?used an illicit drug in the last month, 8.9 percent have used marijuana and 6.8 percent have used another type of drug.
?People have been using substances to lift their spirits for millennia,? said John Pickrell, health editor of New Scientist Magazine. Many teens use drugs for many reasons, like fitting in, peer pressure is something that has to do a lot with teenagers? decision. ?One of the most important things to almost all teens is to fit in, and their way to fit in is by doing what their peers do, which leads them to use drugs, smoke, and to drink alcohol. Another reason why teens use drugs is because they want to grow up, and for them a sign of growing up is doing things that their parents or adults around them tell them not to do.
Drug abuse is when a teenager tries drugs and they may continue using it and with time become dependent on it. Meaning that they have a big feeling that they need to consume drugs to be active and even to live. Some people just cannot control their cravings nor their urges. Teens that frequently tend to be depressed have a higher risk of using drugs and teens that are active, that are involved in school activities, or other things outside or inside school they usually are not involved with any type of drugs. Depression and drugs often intermingle. When suffering from depression, many teens take drugs in hope of gaining some relief. Depressive symptoms may develop as a result of taking drugs ?or when the use of drugs is stop. Sometimes the use of drugs can change from wanting good to bad, also using drugs to attempt to end their life.
The use of drugs most likely happens when teenagers are not under the supervision of an adult. Since they are not being watched by someone with authority teens usually do what they want to do. It is important to be aware of the signs that a teen shows. For example, red eyes, health complaints, and being extremely tired are some signs that can appear ?when ?consuming drugs. Other symptoms include less interest in school, skipping classes, and drop in grades.
While some teens may only think of drugs as a casual way to have fun, there are a number of negative externalities, such as losing relationships and lost in academic interest. Though adolescent drug abuse may not always lead to abuse as an adult, the risks are still high. For teenagers already under the influence there are a number of help hotlines, rehab facilities, and programs.
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